BeTheme settings change frequently

Hey Guys :)

i have a problem with my BeTheme on The problems started after i was logged in in two different accounts and tried to save the BeTheme options on about one week ago. Instead of changing the settings, my browser started downloading a "options.php" file and all my settings in the BeTheme Options went back to default. When i was logged out the website was ok again, and when i was logged in it was broken (default colors, fonts, sizes, no css ...). few days the website was set on default even when i wasn't logged in in the back end. Now its like in the beginning again: Sometimes the website works, when im logged in in the back end its not working...
Now I changed some colours, sizes and fonts to make it look like it didnt changed (my friend still didnt recognized it) - but the css is necessary for a nice mobile view. I could figure out that it may be caused by the low "php_max_input_vars" which i set up to 10.000 - but it seems like nothing changed.

Sorry for my bad english, i hope you can help me!

Greetings from germany


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