Disappearing Theme Elements
Hello, I installed a pre-built theme and am in the process of adding content and images to the site. However, on one of the pages, an entire section of part of the pre-built design element disappeared. This may have happened because I added a lot of content to one particular page, but it shouldn't be happening at all. I have added Muffin Group as a user on the site. Here's the page I'm building https://seblegal.ambitbrands.com/practice/ based on this page in the pre-built site http://themes.muffingroup.com/be/lawyer2/offer/ - The hover color element at the bottom of the page is the one that has disappeared.
Please go to your FTP, create a php file with phpinfo() function inside and send us a link to that file privately thru the contact form which is on the right side at http://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact so we can have a look on your server settings. The problem is probably related to limits but to be sure which one is the reason, we need that link. For more details about file creation, please visit https://mediatemple.net/community/products/dv/204643880/how-can-i-create-a-phpinfo.php-page.
1. If you are chatting with support via email, please do not post here.
2. Attach your license key and the WordPress admin login credentials.
3. Send a link to this discussion, so the email support knows where to look.