Webstie optimization.
Here is a screenshot of the rapport at "test my site" :
I always get such bad results for websites created with "Betheme".
Could you please tell me why this website is so bad rated at "test my site" and how could I get a better score ?
My pictures are already saved for web and I don't get pictures over 500 ko.
It seems to encounter big problems at these points :
- Compress images (I don't understand because I only use about 60 jpg's or png's and they are save for web and compressed...)
- Leverage browser catching (https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/insights/LeverageBrowserCaching)
- Minify ressources (https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/insights/MinifyResources)
- Eliminate blocking render (https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/insights/BlockingJS)
- Reduce server response time (https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/insights/Server)
page speed has completely nothing to do with the theme itself and you can see check this yourself by opening https://tools.pingdom.com/#!/RBIMy/http://themes.muffingroup.com/betheme/
There is many different factors that may has an impact on page speed like: heavy media (images, videos, etc.), poor hosting, internet connection between the place where your server is located and your current point, etc. So as you can see, there are many reasons which are independent of us. However, we have few suggestions to speed up your site:
- cache plugins like W3 Total Cache
- Content Delivery Network Services like MaxCDN
- Static CSS