Not show all authors


How do I hide users from author filter within blog?


  • Hi,

    please show us what you exactly mean because we are not sure.
  • You've included the theme option to not display authors on individual posts, but when going to the main blogroll page, it does display an author link, with the ability to click and display the author names of various posts.

    I would also like to disable this for security purposes. I realize I can change the nickname in Wordpress so that it will not display the true username but I'd like it gone completely.  My concern is that after I launch and turn the site over to my customer, they may add authors with admin privileges, and those names would display on the front end (therefore displaying half of the login information),

    Thank you for your assistance.

  • Yes, we have option named "Single Post | Author Box" and this option hide author box in the bottom of page but as we see, you are talking about author in filter section. So to remove authors from filter section, you must use below css:
    #Filters .filters_buttons li.authors { display: none; }
  • Is there a way to keep the meta from being rendered completely? Your solution only hides it from display. Someone could easily look at the HTML on the backend and get the author information.
  • If you want to remove them completely, then you must modify theme files. If you don't know how, then contact with your website developer.
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