Parallax Background Problem
Hey there!
Recently there is a bug at my page with the parallax background.
Recently there is a bug at my page with the parallax background.
The image has thick brown borders and does not adjust to the page widht. In my oppinion the Image is large enough.
An other bug: the decoration svg is repeating. i cant explain it but there is a screenshot you can see the problem:

Thank you for helping!
we saw the website and the background covers it fine, try to delete browser cache or disable the plugins. You also have some 'snow' scripts running.
i have tested it without any plugins or script and at my computer it does not work! I also deleted my browser cache! Maby it is caused by my relativly big screen?!
thank you!
Yes, the decoration is 1920px wide, but my screen too! If I upload a bigger scaled picture, it is very much zoomed.
It will make it larger because the image stretches to fit the browser window.
i did not mean the decoration on top of the page! I meant the decoration in the "Zweitalsperrenlauf" and "Mountainbikebiathlon" section. In this moment you can not see this at the homepage, you have to visit
You can see this also in the screenshot (see above).
iam using Google Chrome on Windows 10