Gallery view

I have some galleries on my website.

On mobile devices, I would like the images not so big among each other
but smaller so that not so much distance to the next topic arises.

Either in a smaller grid or as a single image for wiping.

Is there a solution or a plugin here?

Furthermore, the image preview is blurred in size preview, style flat.

In "medium" the preview images are sharp but I have the problem that the gallery becomes misshapen due to
the mixed portrait and landscape formats. (Which I do not want)

Is there also a solution here to keep a straight gallery with sharp pictures all in the same preview-size?

thank you for you help!


  • Hi,
    sorry but changing the style for mobile is not possible. We can help you with the blurred issue. This is caused by the thumbnail size of the image being too small.

    To change the size of the default WordPress gallery images, please go to settings>media. Notice! Remember to use thumbnail regeneration after you make your changes. Otherwise, the images will not change their size. thanks
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