Padding below title on blog posts

Silly question probably, but I cannot figure out what is causing the white space that is being displayed below the title of each blog post.


Thanks for your help.


  • Hi,
    sorry but we do not see any whitespace. Can you please clarify?
  • Dear Support Team,

    How do I reduce the whitespace between the post date and the first content of the post (the picture). 

    Please let me know if anything is unclear about the question.
    Thanks in advance for your support.
  • You are not using the featured image, instead you pasted the main image inside the content.
    That is fine but the container for the featured image still exists.
    Please edit the post and disable the featured image in the page options.
  • Dear Bryan,

    Could you elaborate a bit on what I should do? I do not completely understand.
    Yes, I had set "Featured Image Hide" at "ON" in the options at the post and inserted the picture myself, because the image will be wider in this case.

    What should I specifically do (and where to do it) to get rid of the container of the featured image?

    Thanks in advance for your reply
  • Hi,
    You can use a simply CSS code to hide it.
    I mean display:none parameter.
    Are you able to do it or I have to assist you?

  • Dear Pablo,

    Some additional assistance would be great.
    Do I just add "display:none parameter" in the Custom CSS field of Betheme Theme options?

    Thanks in adnvance for your reply.
  • There was no container of the featured image.
    It was just a margin.

    Use this Custom CSS to get rid of it.
    1. .single-post .section-post-header div{
      margin-bottom:3px !important;
  • Dear Pablo! This worked. Thank you so much.
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