URGENT - menu and certain functions vanish

edited January 2018 in Other
I was working on my site when the menu bar suddenly vanish as well as the testimonials set on home page.
This is rather urgent as I will have to do a presentation using the site tomorrow.

Could you check what's going on and how to solve this? Thanks



  • Hi,

    Because you faced with such a weird issue, which we believe has nothing to with the BeTheme itself, we recommend the following steps:

    1. Please go to your FTP account where theme is, remove whole theme folder and then upload the latest version thru FTP as well. Please make sure that all the files were copied correctly.

    2. Remove all 3rd party plugins (including cache of course).

    3. Make sure, there is no additional cache stuff on server side.

    Hope these steps would help you a lot.
  • That would mean I have to re-do the whole site? 
  • If you remove the theme and install it again then it will not mean that you would have to re-do the whole website. All the content is held in the database. If you do worry, please make a backup. If you changed theme files directly, then the changed will be lost.
  • Hi, I already reinstall the theme. the same problem still persists...  What should I do now?
  • I just found out another problem not sure if it causes this... my PHP time limit is at 30 instead of recommended 60. Would it be causing the problem?
  • This could be server limits but we wntered your website and the menu is appearing as well as testimonials.
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