white labeling
Dear Be Theme team
Your theme is great in design, customer support and the themes backend is very user friendly. That is the reason I want to use Be Theme on my multisite network as the standard theme. My question is: If I purchase the extended license is it allowed to white label the backend panel? In particular I'm asking whether it is allowed to replace the muffin group logo with my own logo.
Thank you
- tschando
if you will purchase extended license, then we can do it for you. We`ll replace our logo and other stuff like BeTheme naming with your own.
We're glad to hear that you like Be
16. White Label Panel
Since the release of version 6.0, it is possible to transform the Muffin-branded panel to a white label. Selecting this option removes our logos, Muffin texts, and links. To transform the Muffin Options panel to white label configuration, open functions.php file on your FTP and replace the following part of the code:
define( 'WHITE_LABEL', false );
define( 'WHITE_LABEL', true );