Remove Magnifying Glass and Link button

Please see photo for reference. I'm wondering how to remove the magnifying glass button and the link button? These are on my blog page posts. I would like the buttons to be gone, and when you click on the photo it just takes you to the blog post. 



  • Hi,

    to remove those buttons, please use below css:
    .image_frame .image_wrapper .image_links { display: none; }
  • That worked!! Thank you 
  • Where should I add this line?
  • @elrobsono Each css should be pasted into Theme options > Layout > Custom CSS & JS > Custom CSS section.
  • This is not working for me on v.8.1
  • @Dlf This css works with every version. If it does not work on your side, it means you have errors in html somewhere.
  • thanks for the fast reply?
    In previous versions i deleted line 937-941 in theme-functions.php. to get rid of the effect. but i noticed you changed quite a lot in v8.x
    So i didnt do it this time.

    Where could I start to look for the error?
    I have other custom css's from previous versions. maybe some of them are obsolete in the new version and cause a error:
    .single-post .single-photo-wrapper { display: none; }
    .button-love { display: none; }
    .single-post .post-nav { display: none; }
    #Top_bar .wpml-languages { margin-right: 0px; }
    .header-fixed #Top_bar .logo { width:auto; margin: 0 30px 0 0px; padding:0;}
    .header-fixed #Top_bar { background:#fff; opacity:.90; filter: alpha(opacity = 90);
    #respond .comment-form-url { display:none;}
  • As we see, your css is broken. One of the lines is not closed properly and that's why any css below it won't work. We recommend to use this css on first position and you see it works.
  • awesome! I didnt noticed before. I losed the second last line and now it is working. Thanks for the great support.

    Can you tell me which lines are obsolete and adjustable in the options?
    Ans also how can I disable the parallex and opacity effect as well with the magnifying glass and the link, So i get a clean feautured image without any hovering effect?
  • What lines you mean? Responsible for what exactly?

    Also please send us url to page where you want to remove magnifying glass and parallax (as we know parallax is not available for these items so we have no idea where you found it). About link, it is unfortunately not possible to remove it because for this must be theme files modified.
  • Sorry for being unclear.
    My question is which of my css lines have been replaced in the newest version by a options switcher in "BeTheme Options"?

    the other question is how do i get rid of any effect on the feautured immage?

  • We have no idea what you modified in theme files and what was replaced exactly. This is the main reason why we do not offer and recommend any files modifications because after updated everything goes back to original look.

    But to remove all effects on image hover, please use below css:
    .image_frame:hover .image_wrapper .mask::after, .image_frame.hover .image_wrapper .mask::after { display: none !important; }
    .image_frame .image_wrapper img:not(.ls-l) { top: 0 !important; }
    .image_frame .image_wrapper .image_links { display: none !important; }
  • This works just perfect! Thanks a lot for the fantastic support.

    Yes you are right. Its quite a lot of work to modify 9 files each time you do a update. And you are doing updates quite often:-) But its the price of having the website just like i want.
    Im still very happy with the framework you provide
    Thanks again
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