how is height of column item calculated

How is the heigth of a column calculated?

I have 2 pages, one started on a copy of the other.  The height of the columns is different, and I do not understand how.

the first page: with lots of space above and below the texts next to the images.
the second page, based on a copy: with much less space and looks less "open"  (sorry for my english, i do not know a good word for the open feeling that you can find on the first page, but not on the second page)

If I check the height of the image in chrome developer, a width and a height is set on the item, like this:
<div class="wrap mcb-wrap two-fifth leonic-responsive-image valign-middle bg-cover clearfix" style="background-image: url(&quot;;); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; height: 444px;"><div class="mcb-wrap-inner"><div class="column mcb-column one column_image "><div class="image_frame image_item no_link scale-with-grid stretch no_border"><div class="image_wrapper"><img class="scale-with-grid" src="" alt=""></div></div>
but this is not specified in the backend.  
In the view source it is not specified either.

I do not understand the difference


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