Php error installing pre-built website lawyer.

 during the first installation of the Br-theme lawyer, I have this fatal error.
I have installed and activated all required plugin and, after the first identical error, resetted the WP database.

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'DOMDocument' not found in
Stack trace:
Mfn_Importer->import_content('/home/proiaepa/.. in /home/proiaepa/public_html/wp-content/themes/betheme/functions/importer/parsers.php on line 66


  • Hi,
    please first disable all plugins and check again,
    if this does not help then please got o your FTP and remove the theme folder, aftert that install the newest version of Betheme again.
  • Ok, after reinstall the theme now works!
    I can activate all plugins? I use "lawyer" what plugins are necessary?
    I have seen that the "DOMDocument" isn't active, Have I to have it?

    Thank you.

  • Now the revolution slider, after importation, gives: "Revolution Slider Error: Slider with alias lawyer not found."
  • How can I activate the revolution slider plugin, please?

  • If you see this message it means that the plugin is active but the slider was not found. When you edit the page you will find a dropdown in the page option to select your slider. If there slider is not present you will have to install it.
    From the version 20, we have introduced a new way of installing sliders. Now, when you install a pre-built website, the slider is imported automatically. You can also import them without installing the pre-built website.
    Here is a screenshot for better understanding:

    If you do not see this option, please make sure that revolution slider is installed and active. Also, the version of your theme must be 20.0 or more.

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