Very Serious Issue-Unable to install and use this theme-License Expiry

Hello Support,

First of all, I would like to congratulate you guys for such a great theme with different demos.

Now,What we have faced is the error for license expiry when we try to import demo for the new site :/

Please take a look at it and respond as soon as you can 

username: admin1
password: bF)dMm&i9VK9Qm0@Sg



  • Hi Charles, your copy of betheme is not registered with a license key, please do that first.
  • Hey,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I am confused now, I have bought your team what else you want us to do with it.How can we register it with the license key ??

    Please help :/
  • Such a disappointment.I just use once and it says that the license has already been used :/

    Let me know the way we can use it for unlimited sites as i am looking for a template that can be use for multiple sites 

  • Dear Charles,
    let me clarify it for you. All the licenses in themeforest, including BeTheme, are for single use only. You have to buy one license for each domain (website you make).
    Please read the license terms and conditions here:
    If you used one key on more than one end project then you are breaking the license and you should buy the missing licenses as soon as possible.

    Please use this tool to manage your license keys:

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