Getting a Fatal Error on Portfolio Item page
I'm trying to use the Portfolio feature, however, I'm getting an error page whenever I try to view the portfolio item:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings in /home/abtsmood/public_html/ Stack trace: #0 /home/abtsmood/public_html/ require() #1 /home/abtsmood/public_html/ load_template('/home/abtsmood/...', false) #2 /home/abtsmood/public_html/ locate_template(Array, true, false) #3 /home/abtsmood/public_html/ get_template_part('includes/conten...', 'single-portfoli...') #4 /home/abtsmood/public_html/ include('/home/abtsmood/...') #5 /home/abtsmood/public_html/ require_once('/home/abtsmood/...') #6 /home/abtsmood/public_html/ require('/home/abtsmood/...') #7 {main} thrown in /home/abtsmood/public_html/ on line 47
Can you please help me solve this issue?
try these steps:
1. Disable all plugins
2. Update the version of PHP
3. Resintall the theme completly.