Regenerate thumbnails in post
in Blog
on your demo site, the post featured image appears both on the top of the post and on the navigation buttons on the bottom left+right of the page. The images though have different analogies, the top one is large and wider, and on the post navigation the pictures are squared by being cropped in the middle section of the picture. (for example see "church_blog_5" image in "Vivamus malesuada fames ac" demo post)
When i try to create my own posts, i set the featured image but there are no thumbnails regenerated so that it appears properly in every position. I have the force regenerate thumbnails plugin installed+activated, and i have tried to create thumbnails manually too but it does not seem to work.
Is there something i can do about it?
on your demo site, the post featured image appears both on the top of the post and on the navigation buttons on the bottom left+right of the page. The images though have different analogies, the top one is large and wider, and on the post navigation the pictures are squared by being cropped in the middle section of the picture. (for example see "church_blog_5" image in "Vivamus malesuada fames ac" demo post)
When i try to create my own posts, i set the featured image but there are no thumbnails regenerated so that it appears properly in every position. I have the force regenerate thumbnails plugin installed+activated, and i have tried to create thumbnails manually too but it does not seem to work.
Is there something i can do about it?
if you want to modify images sizes, then you can do it only in functions/theme-functions.php file where add_image_size() functions are.
But i don't want to modify the image sizes, i want the thumbnails to be regenerated so that these image sizes will actually appear correctly. Right now, both blog-navi and featured image use the image i uploaded, not the regenerated thumbnails.
Now going to the page,cum-sociis-natoque-penatibus.html , which is the previous post, i can see in the post navigation button in the bottom right of the screen the picture "church_blog_5-80x80.jpg", the squared cropped picture that i mentioned before.
So setting the picture "church_blog_5" as featured image for the post, should normally regenerate another 2 thumbnails, the "church_blog_5-1200x480.jpg" and the "church_blog_5-80x80.jpg" , which it doesn't in my case.
Hope this is more understandable, thanks.