Mega menu not spanning where action button column begins.

This mega menu appears to not be spanning far to the right under the action button on this page:

On another website I made with an action button the mega menu is able to span over that section.

Could you tell me what kind of setting I might be overlooking or what css I could use to get this newer website to span full width like the other webstie?


  • HI,
    there is no setting, the megamenu by default is getting the width of the top left bar.
    The top right bar is where the action button lives.
    The other website was most likely done by custom css.
  • I'm sorry, but the other website was made by myself and does not have any custom code for the header. This is occurring for some other reason.
  • Those both sites have a different setting in theme options>menu&action bar>menu - mega menu
    Try choosing the vertical lines.
    Oh and please register your first website, it is not registered and may I remind you that you need to use one key per domain.
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