Text on images

When I use the post grid option with muffin builder my images have this text accross them - Simple Home – A realistic view of the pros and cons of an open-plan kitchen in your home" data-rel="prettyPhoto[rel--1848202452]" data-vc-gitem-zone="prettyphotoLink" class="vc_gitem-link prettyphoto vc-zone-link vc-prettyphoto-link"> 
How do I remove seems it is something called prettyphoto but no such pluging is installed.


  • Hi,
    Please always attach a link so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost) then our help will be limited, you will have to contact us when the page is online. Also please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us the link.
    It is always a good idea to also attach a screenshot, for that use services like snag.gy or pasteboard.co
  • site page is this address
  • Okay but you are not using the Muffin Builder. You are using the WPBakery page builder and the text that appears looks like a part of the plugin code.
    Since it only shows on 2-3 posts it must mean that you pasted this info somwhere. Try editing the blog posts and looking for that.
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