secondary menu

how can i set secondary menu on the left side of my any page?


  • HI,
    what do you mean exactly? Do you want a left header style or just a sidebar with a menu?
  • When I click a main menu , It will open on the target;
    Now, I want this menu options will shown on the side bar of target.

    eg: main menu : fruit , vegetable, ...
    i cilcked fruit , and splashed  apple, orange, pear...
    When i choosed aplle eg.
    target opens..
    Now I want  this menu (apple,orange,..) will appear on the side bar of target page.

  • This will be not easy to do. You would have create a sidebar, menu and page for each fruit. Then use the menu widget in the sidebar on that page.
    It would be easier to use blog or portfolio and the fruits would be categories.

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