Featured image size and header on blog post



  • Okay thanks, the blog post and portfolio posts text are nicely under the menu now.

    Another issue that may be related is that on pages like this: http://coursemateapp.co.uk/services/

    where I have created a section at the top and have an image as the background, you can clearly see that there is space from the top under the menu, effectively being able to see part of the section image under it.

    I have used .page-id-12657 #Header { min-height: 0px !important; } but you can still see a small space above the image. Any ideas?

  • Hi,
    This is the content padding, please remove your custom css you pasted above.
    This will not help  you with this problem.
    You can turn off the content padding locally for a page in page options or globally in Theme Options > Global > Advanced.
  • Thanks for your help, I am sure there will be more soon!

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