BeTheme HTML or WP Template Differences

I see you are having both a WordPress Theme and a plain HTML theme. Actually. I bought and paid for the WordPress Theme before realizing you had an HTML version. Actually, I don't need any of the blogging features, but I needed a shopping cart. So I chose the WordPress theme because it obviously has WooCommerce. The problem I am having is that I'm having a lot of problems with installing both the BeTheme and WooCommerce on WP. The world famous 5 minute install has already taken 2 days, and is likely to be another 2 days before I know if I have a solution.

So then my mind went back to your HTML theme. I don't really know what an HTML theme looks like compared to a WP Theme. What are the differences? I imagined, no blogging and no shopping cart. But if the HTML Theme has a shopping cart included, but just doesn't include the blogging. It would be perfect for me, and much more atoned to my skill-sets. Even if the shopping cart is much less flexible than WooCommerce. The simplicity would be a plus. In my book.

So if what I am saying above is true. I wonder if I can get a refund of the WP BeTheme and buy instead the HTML Theme. Which I'm sure will be easier to install than all this WP nonsense. What is the procedure I should go thru for getting the refund.



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