Different color menu for each page
Hi - How can I make the menu on my home page white and keep the menu on the other pages brown?
I am using the transparent layout for my home page and then using the classic for the rest of the website. I achieved this by making a different layout and applying it to the home page.
Here is a screen shot of the home page - I would like the menu to be white: https://pasteboard.co/Hrgqkvuo.jpg
Here is a screen shot of the other pages - I would like the menu to stay brown: https://pasteboard.co/HrgqMoh.jpg
Here is a link to the site: http://kathrynmapes2.wpengine.com/
I understood that i need to use "layouts" and copied my existing layout then changed the logo on it to white. now i have a layout with a white logo but black menu links.
I need your help to give me the CSS required to change the nav menu colour - (just the visible part of it not the entire menu with 2nd and 3rd levels etc)
I asked on themeforest and got the folowing reply:
3. You should be able to catch class name for the body and then according to body class, create right css declaration. For more details about theme customization, please click here.
Can you clarify what this means? I need to give each page with teh white header a class then what? What are the CSS selectors for the menu?
Would this in the custom CSS box on each page with a white menu work?
#Top_bar .menu > li > a span:not(.description) { color: #ffffff; } .menuo-arrows #Top_bar .menu > li.submenu > a > span:not(.description) { color: #ffffff; } #Top_bar .menu > li > a span:not(.description):hover { color: #fafafa; } .menuo-arrows #Top_bar .menu > li.submenu > a > span:not(.description):hover { color: #fafafa; }