In IE11 only (Chrome/FF fine) using parallax we are seeing jitter/stutter

Site in testing is here

Works fine in Chrome, FF and Edge

In IE 11 it stutters and or jumps as you scroll. 

We don't see any controls that allow us to modify the behavior.

There is also an issue with how IE11 shows images also as it is different than in other browsers on the same page.  Specifically the firm logo.

Please advise as to our options.


  • Note that we are seeing the jitter/stutter of background images with parallax in the "Story" demo also.
  • Hi,
    Please change Scroll Plugin and Parallax plugin in Theme Options > Addons & Plugins > Addons

    We cannnot do anything more than this, this is IE issue which we are not able to do anything about it.
  • As there are other themes that have worked around this issue with Parallax and IE saying nothing can be done seems perhaps short sighted, no?  

    At the very least allowing for Parallax to be disabled when detecting IE would be a good fallback option to allow, no?
  • Tried variations for both plug-ins without any obvious difference.

    FYI, your screen shot tool appears to have not worked properly.

    Also some sort of alert or advisory that your Parallax implementation does not work with the #2 browser in the market would have been very helpful.  

    We very much understand that IE11 is broken in many ways, but we cannot afford to make big time investments in a theme only to find out after the fact that it cannot support the 2nd most popular browser in the world.

    At minimum we need a solution that at the least allows us to disable Parallax for IE11 only.

    We have been looking for alternatives to Avada with which we have done most of our websites to date, but this kind of issue makes considering BeTheme impossible.

    Thanks, Rich

  • After some testing we found that Enllax and Nice scroll with ios settings had the best results.

    We are now working on RevolutionSlider to do what we need for sliders which is unrelated.

    Still would be awesome to ensure notes were added to advise as to the compatibility issue.

  • This is a browser issue which we cannot overcome and it is not theme related.
    We can only suggest changing the parallax/scroll plugins and disabling other plugins for testing.
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