Betheme child theme functions.php file shows Chinese characters & boxes

I've recently installed Betheme and the Betheme child themes. I wanted to add a script to the functions.php file in the child theme. In Taco HTML Edit, I get Chinese characters and boxes. In Dreamweaver, it looks fine, but when I add a script for a copyright and current year shortcode, Dreamweaver returns a syntax error. Regardless, when I previewed the child theme, I got the same Chinese characters and boxes, with sprinkled English words. Weird. 

I can add the script to the functions.php in the parent theme just fine, but I'd like to use the child theme to make these changes.

On the other hand, activating the child theme with the modified functions.php file resulted in the website showing Chinese characters, boxes, and all the rest. I had to delete the betheme themes (parent and child) via FTP and upload them all over again to restore the site.

So, the functions.php file in the child theme clearly works... as long as I don't touch it! But, I'd like to add functions to that file rather than the parent theme. I'd appreciate some guidance.


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