Few adjustments - footer and background
Dear Sirs, our website for Trustner is almost finished but we can not sort this 2 issues and we are trying that a lot ot time.
Client is not happy and we do not know how to sort it:
So, on front page, in smartphone version, we can not control that on 2nd row (where is text on the right and picture on the left, picture on the left is connected with main background) text is overlapping photo. We put one white box behind right module, but it is still ugly. Is there is a chance that on that background is just white? And nothing else? https://prnt.sc/k52pnr
And second issue is that we do not know how to control text size and values on footer position and on contact form position.
As you see this acceptance text is too strong and ugly. And footer text is bigger than we want.
Thank you for your prompt help.
Best regards