Link to Portfolio with a specific filter active
actually I am building my new website (sorry it's in german).
Here's the site I actually are fighting with:
I have 3 sorts of customers: graphic design, wedding invitation design and lettering.
I want to seperate all of the details for these 3 parts (which is no problem).
And: I want to have a "portfolio"-link on every of the 3 menu items which directs to the same (all in all) portfolio.
If the customer navigates from the graphic design section, I want it to be the "graphic" filter activated automatically.
If the customer navigates from the wedding section, I want it to be the "wedding" filter activated automatically. (But the other filters have to be there so the customer can see the other parts if interested).
Sorry, it's a little bit dificult to describe it in english.
The big question: Am I able to link to a portfolio and decided with the link which portfolio filter is active (standard is all).
Thanks in advance for your answers and help!
Greetings from Munich, Germany