Migration doubts. Moving site between different GoDaddy accounts


It's been 3 weeks since I started playing with the theme. Loving it so far. My new web site is almost complete and I'm about to face a new challenge. Hoping I can get some support here.

This is my web site: http://mas-merk.com/

It's hosted with Godaddy and almost finished as I said before. But I'm about to move it in a couple days to another account on Godaddy. The web site I'm trying to replace with this new one is: https://www.bahiamanagement.com.mx

I'm quite new to these migration processes and am kind of afraid some configuration might get lost. I'm currently reading about backup and migration plugins to do the job. My main fear is with the theme itself. Will migrating the whole site by any means to this new account and name will impact somehow the license? I'm in need of some wisdom here so I can do it as hustle-free as possible.



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