Logo goes to the top of the header

edited August 2018 in Theme support
I would like the logo to be in the centre of the header so it is aligned with the menu items, but in both the header and sticky header (and in mobile view), the logo appears at the top of the header. How could I make it in the vertical middle of the header?
Thank you


  • edited August 2018
    The website is www.ecogeneration.co.uk
  • Hi,
    Sorry but your menu is having troubles in Responsive right now, with logo centered it will make more of them.
    Can you use a Split Menu instead? You will hide one of the sides of menu.
  • edited August 2018
    I did not mean I want the logo in the centre horizontally, but the centre vertically, so it is still to the left of the menu items, but not so high up (so it is in the middle of the header to the left, not appearing right at the top of the header on the left). 
  • Sorry but we do not have an options for this. You can only select the header styles in theme options>header&subheader>header and change the mobile header to minimalist in theme options>responsive>header.
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