Using hex colors with shortcode buttons
can I use every hex color code which I like with shortcode buttons oder only the defined hex colors in the betheme options-> colors-> shortcodes menu?
I have some problems with that because the the defined hex colors in the betheme options also change the "up-button" in the footer. I want to use two different hex color for the buttom background and the button-font. So it is not easy to use buttons if the section backgrounds have dark an light colors.
Best regards
Jörg Adams
can I use every hex color code which I like with shortcode buttons oder only the defined hex colors in the betheme options-> colors-> shortcodes menu?
I have some problems with that because the the defined hex colors in the betheme options also change the "up-button" in the footer. I want to use two different hex color for the buttom background and the button-font. So it is not easy to use buttons if the section backgrounds have dark an light colors.
Best regards
Jörg Adams
yes, you can use hex colors per different buttons. Please take a look into doc and check (3) Buttons section) where attributes for buttons were described.