Betheme Muffin Builder Page Limit?

I am running into the issue of building pages on my company site that after adding content, I am reaching a cap on how much content I can put on a page. After I reach this limit, anything new added to a page will cause whatever is the last thing on my builder to delete and disappear.

Example: On my home page
I am at my cap and cannot add any more content to the page without it beginning to delete content from the bottom so I found my limit and stopped. 

I have been working on another page of my website and am running into this same issue. On all of the pages of this site at the bottom just above the footer is the contact section. I began working on this page that already had this contact section made and as soon as I saved all of my content, this section was deleted because I hit this cap again.

Now, because of this issue, I have to add a single button that links to my home page contact section

I may just be ignorant to the limits of this theme/builder but what is the limit before a page begins to delete the end content of a page and is there any way I can extend the limit just a bit?

Thanks for the help!


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