prev/next buttons seem to be set to desc but I can't figure out how to change
I am using Woocommerce with the Fireplace pre-built website. My products are sorted alphabetically. However, on the single product display page, when the first product in the category is displayed, only the "previous" button is available. Since it is the first item in the category, only the "nex"t button should be available. When I click on the "previous" button, the product that opens is the next one in alphabetical order so the products are sorted correctly, just the button direction is incorrect. How do I fix this?
Here's a link where you can see the problem:
This is the first product. The next one is Chetro Ketl Great House Ruins but the button that is displayed should be the "next" button not the "previous" button to navigate to the next product in ascending alphabetical order.