

i am trying to create news page article and would like to include 'Subscribe newsletter form' on the sidebar of the main news article page

and the all posts

i have enabled the sidebar in theme options, also in page /post options at the bottom of the page

1) i have no idea how to include form / content in the sidebar
2) side bar is not floating to right, its moved to bottom

please help



  • Also, is it possible to customise the header of the posts only?
    at the moment title on the image is no readable, i would like to reduce the font size and add background overlay to make text readable.

  • Hi,
    1) Please disable all of the plugins, clear the browser cache and check again.
    2) You can change the image to single post while editing this page.

    To make this font smaller, please paste this into Theme Options > Custom CSS & JS > CSS
    body.single-post h1.title{
    font-size:12px !important;
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