Parallax on small screens and devices

Hey guys,

its the best theme but i don't find any solution for the parallax effect on small screens and devices.

I need a Section with fix height and on smaller devices the height of this parallax section must be change in relation.

I use padding top and padding bottom, but it will be very ugly on small screens. Solution?

Please help me.



  • Hi Florian,

    parallax effect is technically not compatible with mobile devices and until mobile devices won't support this solution, it won't be possible. So sorry but this is not related with us at all. All we can did was change to static version of image for mobiles.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • Ok i read about this in another support forums. I think it would help, if we can set a height for sections without the use of paddings. Make one or two fields for resolution over 800 and under 800px width. It works fine (on hand coded themes) and all problems will be fixed.

    What do you think?
    I think it would be easy to integrate and nice for all.
  • Do you think that if you will setup fixed height for section then parallax will work? Is that what you mean?
  • yes. if i have a fix height the parallax effect seems to work (not right) but it works and the image would resize to the proportional height and width and all things will be fine – on each devices.
  • what do you think of this solution?
  • We don't think this is good solution because section's width depends on content which is inside. We spoke with few people about this because we would like to know the opinion of other people and they also confirmed that this is not a good solution.
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