Sidebar mobile view

edited November 2018 in Theme support

I am creating a WebPage on basis of pre build web page:

Unfortunately sidebar only goes to mobile view <767px. 

As you can see on the screenshot , it looks really bad on mobile devices

You can see it here: if you change the width of the browser
The header menu changes to mobile already on 1240px. 

Is it possible to switch sidebars to mobile also on width of 1240px, as menu is doing?

Thank you for your help


  • edited November 2018
    All I can suggest you is changing the mobile breakpoint in Theme Options > Responsive > General the Mobile Grid width

    If this won't help you, theme files customization will be needed, but we do not support it.
  • This is already set as described above.

    How you cannot support it? In the Theme description is said, that the theme is 100% responsive.

    The behaviour of the Sidebar in your example is not responsive. It looks really bad.  

    Give me at least some kind of advice, if you dont want to help.
  • edited November 2018
    Our theme is fully responsive, so telling that our theme is not responsive is not true.
    To prove it, check the google mobile-friendly test:

    After reaching the mobile breakpoint (787px) the sidebar goes down:
    and changing it to higher breakpoint, require theme files customization.

    BeTheme does not have the option to switch the sidebar style, it's managed by Javascript and the only way to make it changed is modifying theme files what in reference to Item Support Policy is not allowed. So if you want to modify files and don't know how, you should contact your web developer. Item Policy says: Item support does not include services to modify or extend the item beyond the original features, style, and functionality described on the item page.

  • edited November 2018
    You can show me tests, but on the screenshot above it looks not as responsive. It looks like static html page.

    Yes, it goes down, but on the normal iPad is looks like on the screenshot above -> jammed.  So the sidebar has to swith to mobile view earlier. What is not the case

    The worst thing, that you make fun of this issue Pablo makes BETHEME to the workst support I ever had.

    I will post this to evanto market as feedback

  • I want to help you, but my hands are tied.
    As I said, this one cannot be done without theme files customization.

    If you have some other questions, I will help you with them surely.
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