Slider funcionality.

Hello guys, by god i have looked where the shortcode "slider" gets the pictures, but the options are: "Category" in which is by default "all" and even though i have several pictures, just takes 3 that are not even mine.
Then is order by/order/style/navigation/custom. I need to choose 3 pictures i have taken.

I need help with this, please. 


  • Hello,
    the sliders take the images from the custom posty type Slides in the wordpress admin menu.
    You need to set a category for specific images you want to show in that slider, then edit the slider item in your muffin builder ( item or shortcode, depends on which you use) and select the category you want to show. Remember that this category is a SLUG - that means that it is not case sensitive.
    If your category is "Cakes" then please type in "cakes" - all needs to be lowercase.
    If you are using the slider item, choose the category from the dropdown menu.
  • Hi, i have tried to place a slider, set the categories with Links to the pictures. But the pictures don´t show up. Can you help please?
  • Please disable all of the plugins, clear the cache of your browser and check if this works.
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