Timeline Font Size
I would like to know if:
1. How can I increase the font size of the date for the timeline feature? > maybe make it H1/2 standard
2. How can I remove the boxes with the stripes from the opposite side of the timeline?
Ref Page: http://l1to1.com/whyitworks/
Thanks for the help!
1. To increase font size for timeline item, please use below css: 2. To remove those stripes, please use below css: Thanks!
This is still a work in progress, but I really like the time line element. The contrast between the stripes, the dates, and the background just isn't enough. So how can I adjust the color and the font size so that those parts of the timeline become more visible against the white background? Thank you!
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It is always a good idea to also attach a screenshot, for that use services like snag.gy or pasteboard.co
If this won't help you, I need to take a look at your page.