Non-downloadable videos & Disabling Social buttons

I have 2 questions.
I am sharing some videos on a page in an iframe.
Videos are on the disk space of my web server. I mean they are uploaded through wordpress to my page.
 I want to protect my video. It should be non-downloadable. Right now I kinda solved the problem with some codes on the internet.
<video oncontextmenu="return false;" id="my-video-player" controls="controls" ontrols controlsList="nodownload" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen width="300" height="150">
<source src="video" type="video/mp4" />

However, I dont know how to add these codes to my iframe code which is ;

<iframe width="100%" height="400" name="myframe"></iframe> 



<li><a href="video source(If I link a page I have dimension problems so I prefer sharing directly the video)" target="myframe">Orchestra e voce</a></li>

this is the page that I am trying to create 

QUESTION ; is there a way to solve this without codes ? If not , can you help me with codes ?


On my web theme , I have these Facebook and twitter social sticky buttons.. on each page . 
1) Is there a way to disable them all?
2) IS there a way to disable them on a single page and leave the rest?

I hope I have been clear enough to explain my problems.
Thanks in advance



  • Hi,
    1) Your iFrame is not working because you didn't provide the 'src' paramater.
    Also, iFrame doesn't have a 'nodownload' parameter, but I found on internet, that you can use a "#toolbar=0" on end of the src tag.
    Example: <iframe src="">

    2) Which social sticky buttons?
    I do not see it on that page you sent.
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