Responsive CSS file lost
Hello, I have lost my default responsive.css file while making changes to the website. Could you please provide me the backup of my prebuilt website responsive.css file?
I don't know how to check the name of my selected theme, could you help? How can I check which prebuilt theme I was using?
You should install BeTheme from the beginning.
All of your settings are stored in the database so you won't lose them
Make a backup before doing it
As I told you before, you should install your theme from the beginning or
just install it on your subdomain then copy and paste that file to your main domain.
Please check if you didn't disable the responsive.css option in theme options>responsive> general.
If this option is ON and it's still not working, please reinstall your BeTheme, all of your settings and content are stored in the database.
So, if you didn't make any changes in the theme files, then you do not have to worry about it.
Just go to your FTP and remove the betheme folder completely or if you can, just update the theme.