Pre-built websites always lead to 500

I no longer can use one of your pre-built websites. When chosing one from the list, like eg BeDecor 2, and using the option "Complete pre-built website" I'll get an "Error 500 . Internal server error" after about 10-15 seconds.
I tried everything (I know):
- I reseted the db as recommended with the plugin.
- I changed PHP version from 7.2 to 7.1 for the server.
- I updated both WordPress and BeTheme: versions 5.0 and are running.
- I increased the max_execution_time and also memory_limit.
- I checked the rights of the whole betheme folder and set everything to 755.
It no longer works for me. I had that issue about 3, 4 times with the last projects since October, I think.
What could that be? 
Thank you in advance for your assistance!
Best regards, Andreas Heck


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