editor cuts code
Good day! We have a problem with saving the link to the chat in Whatsapp, which would contain functions onClick.
To track the call and messages on the Whatsapp from the site https://kuzovport.ru, we need to register functions at the end of the link:
<a class="messenger" href="whatsapp://send?phone=+79261324365" onClick="ga ('send', 'event', 'click', 'messenger'); yaCounter48556088.reachGoal('messenger'); return true;">
The link is correct it works on other WordPress sites.
However, the editor Muffin Builder cuts off the specified functions: onClick="ga ('send', 'event', 'click', 'messenger'); yaCounter48556088.reachGoal('messenger'); return true; ,
leaving only the phone (see screenshots).
Can you help solve this problem?