Could you please help me?
1. How can I create blog page where I see only blog "blocks" - example:
2. I install mailchimp plugin and thats is all I can do, but how to create the same newsletter "plase" like here:
3. How to create the same page:
I think I tried everything but nothing works - actually I would ask how to add the animated line under pruduct?
4. What I need to do to create the same "our clients" review section like here:
I dont understand how to add 3 reviews in one section.
Thank you
Could you please help me?
1. How can I create blog page where I see only blog "blocks" - example:
2. I install mailchimp plugin and thats is all I can do, but how to create the same newsletter "plase" like here:
3. How to create the same page:
I think I tried everything but nothing works - actually I would ask how to add the animated line under pruduct?
4. What I need to do to create the same "our clients" review section like here:
I dont understand how to add 3 reviews in one section.
Thank you
1) It's the Grid layout of the blog.
Please go to Theme Options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > Blog and select the "Grid" layout.
But be sure that your main blog page is set in Settings > Reading
2) Be familiar with this documentation:
It will explain you a lot.
Also, you can create a subdomain and install the BeTheme with same license key and import this pre-built website to take a look at how it was made. You can register unlimited subdomains with one license key, as long as the main domain is registered under the same key.
3) It's the "Sliding Box" item, and it's normal behavior while the "Simple" style is turned on.
To change the style to "simple" on the website, please go to Theme Options > Global > General
4) This is the "Testimonials" item slider.
You can use it as an item or the shortcode.
To add the testimonial, you have to go to WP Dashboard > Testimonials > Add New
Thank you very much. It was very useful information for me. For example, I didn't know where can I find the shortcodes.
But I have another question about the menu panel. How to fit it or change the sizes? I if make changes in Header > layout > minimalist, then the menu bar stretches even longer.
I tried this but it did not work. So what do you think what I must to do now?
I also want to ask hot to install MailChimp newsletter form. After installing the store pre-built theme I saw that theme used the shortcode like [mc4wp_form] but where can I get or create that kind of form?
I found that I used the wrong plugin. Now I install the right one and I like to ask you could you please send me the code that was used in store theme?
Something like:
2) I found the shortcut but I can't create the same design as bestore theme have. So is it possible to get bestore newsletter design? Righ now it looks like:
and import this pre-built website to take a look at how it was made (or copy it).
You can register unlimited subdomains with one license key, as long as
the main domain is registered under the same key.