Setting the slider or a background image for Default Page Template
Hi there,
I am new to the BeTheme theme and struggle a lot with the Default Page Template. I use an add-on: Event Calendar from Modern Tribes. The add-on publishes the calendar on Default Page Template. This page template has no slider or background image set. It results then in an empty bar on the page (see an example at
I wonder how to define an image or a slider for this Default Page Template, in such a way that it does not destroy all the other pages already built and configured. I found an option in Theme Options: General -> Background -> Image, but when I use this option, the image defined there is visible for a short while before every RevSlider is loaded. So upon page load, the image is shown and then RevSlider loads. This is a very strange and unwanted behavior.
Can anybody help me and provide me with tips how to solve my problem?
Kind regards,
states that we do not support third party plugins or custom code so
unfortunately, we cannot be of any help to you.
Also, we cannot recommend any plugins other than the ones we support.
You can find the list on this page, in the sidebar:
This is the header image, and it can be changed only globally.
As you read in the documentation, you can replace the image there, but it will be changed for all of the pages.
If your pages have the revolution slider inserted in Media while editing the page, then the header image will be hidden and overwritten by the slider.
Also, it's not possible to change the "Default template" template without theme files customization.
But, you can create your own template (WP Dashboard)
and assign them on your page while editing.