Image Gallery Responsiveness

Hi there. How are you?
I've been working on a Betheme singlepage website and using image gallery element with 6 columns. On mobile screens, the gallery become single columns, the images too big and the page too long. I couldn't find any control about image gallery responsiveness. The ideal would be set to 2 or 3 column on small screens. Is it possible?


  • Hi,
    Unfortunately, it's not possible to fit two columns on the mobile.
    The BeTheme script is made to display one row and the only way to change it is customizing the theme files - but we do not support such changes.

    But, if the images look too big for you (on mobile), then you can create a section which will display only on mobile.
    Clone your section with this "Image Gallery" item and get into the section settings and scroll down.
    There you'll find the "Responsive Visibility", select on which devices it should be hidden.

    Do this same for the previous section.
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