Portfolio Items Do not show up with Masonry Hover Description


I have a problem with Porfolio display: some of the categories don't work - when the category is selected, the porfolio items from it are not displayed - only the "Load more" "View all" button instead. I'm using Masonry Hover Description style with 3 columns on Home Page and My Words page is a Porfolio page with same style settings. 

Please view here: 
Categories not working: Cold Email Copy, Email Engagement 

Categories not working: Cold Email Copy, Online Ads, Website Copy 

This issue was present before any new updates to BeTheme and Wordpress came along ( I mean they were there present while using the most recent versions at the time). 

I would be grateful if you could help me with this issue.

Lookin forward to hearing from you. 
All the best, 


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