Error on page title
in SEO
I've updated my BeTheme + Woocommerce and I'm getting an insistent error which I can't deal with.
My "Store" page should be titled as "ManjeriCão Pet | Produtos" (SEO Title at the bottom of settings). But instead of that, I'm getting this message (link to pic:
<br/><b>Warning: Missing argument 1 for mfn_title(), called in /home.../themes/betheme/-child/header-shop.php on line 35 and defined in /home.../themes/betheme/functions/theme-head.php on line 15
The line 35 on header-shop.php says:
if( mfn_title() ){
The around code is:
<title itemprop="name"><?phpif( mfn_title() ){echo mfn_title();} else {global $page, $paged;wp_title( '|', true, 'right' );bloginfo( 'name' );if ( $paged >= 2 || $page >= 2 ) echo ' | ' . sprintf( __( 'Page %s', 'betheme' ), max( $paged, $page ) );}?></title>
The line 15 on theme-head.php says:
function mfn_title($title)The around code is:if (! function_exists('mfn_title')) {function mfn_title($title){if (mfn_opts_get('mfn-seo') && mfn_ID()) {if ($seo_title = trim(get_post_meta(mfn_ID(), 'mfn-meta-seo-title', true))) {$title = esc_html($seo_title);}}return $title;}}add_filter('pre_get_document_title', 'mfn_title');
I have quite understood of what's happening, but I have no idea how to fix it.
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance.