Rating on Pageinsights

We are looking to improve our score on google for better indexing of our site. However, even while working on the improvements, the js and css block rendering and script evaluation load time are too high and we do not know how to reduce it.

We're doing all the optimizations based on PageSpeed Insights scores.

You can view the critical points that are being affected by this theme at this link: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?hl=en&url=https://binario.cloud/

This is a link from our website: https://binario.cloud/


  • Hello,
    we cannot really help with those kinds of issues. They are all up to the user. Our theme after installation has a quite good ratings on google. You need to check your plugins, code and images for optimalization.
    We can suggest using w3total cache plugin and to minify the css and HTML. Please do not do anything with JS files.
    Remember that this is a Wordpress theme and you will have problems with getting a very high score.
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