Muffin builder disappear
Hi, the content MF builder disappeared from the admin when editing a page.
I see "Page options" title, then the "layout section" but the content builder that usually appear between these two parts is not there.
Nothing in the source code, the div with the content builder is not here.
In the front office page's all the contents are here. But I can't edit any page because of the muffin builder not present in the editor page.
Have you ever seen this before ? I don't want to recreate all the website
Please disable all of the plugins, clear the cache of your browser and check if the issue still exists.
Also, click on the "Page options" tab, maybe you hide it accidentally.
Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.
Please attach a link to this forum discussion.