Portfolio page - various questions
I need some help in different issues, I hope someone could help me.
1) In any video portfolio page, the items follows that order: 1-video preview 2-related posts and 3) video comments. I would like to invert the order of the related posts and the videos comments, so that they can appear in this order: 1-video preview 2) video comments and then 3-related posts.
2) When someone writes me a message under the videos comments (in portfolio page) and I reply to him, there is a way to advise him about my answer by email?
3) Still in the portfolio page there are some "likes" (called "loves"), is it possible to assign a specific number of likes/loves to each video? I found the random option but nothing more specific.
4) How Can I customize the Share Box in a Portfolio Page? I would like to add others social media (like e.g. Whatsapp, Mail etc) and add a custom number of sharing.
5) In the portfolio page the video preview is inside of a white box, but because my video format has different size (is not 16:9, but 2,40:1) in the white box appears empty space between the video and the border box. How can I adjust the size of the white box, to make it the same size of the video?
Thank you really much for the help.
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In the Porfolio Page under the category Wedding Day i have 8 projetc, 3 in the first two line and 2 in the trird line. I would like that the ones in the third line appear in 7^and 8^ position and not in the 7^ ant 9^ like they are actually.
to theme options>blog,portfolio&shop>featured image
Remember to use thumbnail regeneration after you make your changes.
group title]"
in order to scroll the images in lightbox?