Title / Subheader (?)
Hey there!
First of all...amazing theme! I love it!
I just installed the demo of AdAgency...but even if I rechecked everything a few times, I can´t get the titles on the pages look like yours.
Maybe I am just too blind today...but I would be happy if you can help me!
Please compare the two different headers...I want to have it just like at the demo:
Dummy Installation: http://coastalitservices.info/mdgraphicdesign/?page_id=15
Just a black border which I also cannot remove...
Thanks a lot!
as we see, you don't have subheader activated on your website. This black space is related with header image. To deactivate this space (because you don't use header image) you must activate "Header | Minimalist" option under Theme options > Layout > Header section. Also, in the same section you must setup the same settings for subheader as we did on http://pasteboard.co/2pfEHtxY.png