Styling Promo_box

Hi there,

I'd like to change the width of the photo and desc wrappers of the Promo_box  in a specific portfolio. There is no CSS custom in the portfolio - where do I add my CSS then without changing the rest of the website?

and this is how I'd like it to look: (less space for the photo and more for the description)

.promo_box_wrapper .photo_wrapper {
    width: 20%; }

.promo_box_wrapper .desc_wrapper {
    width: 72%; }

Thank you!


  • Hi,
    To make the CSS work only on that page, then you have to add the body.postid(ID)

    In your case it will look like this:
    body.postid-5646 .promo_box_wrapper .photo_wrapper {
    width: 20%;

    But I suggest not to customize it by CSS, if it's possible, decrease the wrap/section grid to make it smaller.
  • edited February 2019
    Thanks Pablo. I will have to think how to redesign it...maybe the promo box is not the best choice. If I shrink it its not looking great.

  • I mean, by changing the grid of the wraps.
  • Thanks Pablo - is just that I need more space for text and less for photos and by reducing the promo box size  it still keeps the same ratio if you know what I mean. I've used the promo box with a normal page and changed the CSS in the page itself - check HERE
    However I need to move it into portfolio and create six different brands..and there is no room in the portfolio to add a local I do it probably just with Columns.

    Also - do you have a 'Gallery' that I can use as a quick menu on the top of the page like I did HERE  ?
    I was writing this one myself as I couldn't find anything that can do it for me in your Theme..your Gallery is great but only let you zoom, and no links. is there a way to customize it? any idea what should I use except write my own code? (it takes me too long and I am not so good at it!)
    Thanks, Effie
  • 1) Yes, you can recreate it with columns easly - almost all of the items are made that way,
    So, you will be able to make the space for text larger.
    2) Unfortunately, it's not possible with Gallery item.
    I think, you have to do it with your own code, sadly.

    If you have some other questions, feel free to ask.
  • Thanks for your help and advice :-)
    Regards, Effie
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