Hide logo/black bar on mobile

Hi there,

I have a full screen responsive slider on my home page, and it works perfectly on a desktop screen (transparent menu/logo set through theme options), but on the mobile version it shows the logo on a black bar and messes up how the slider shows. If possible, I'd like to just hide the logo/black bar completely and just have the blue menu icon sitting on top of the slider. The site is http://alexcalderon.me/home/



  • Hi,

    something similar as you want can be done within below css only:
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
        #Action_bar { display: none !important; }   
        #Top_bar .logo { display: none !important; }
        #Top_bar .top_bar_left    { margin-top: 0 !important; }
    but if this is not what you are looking for, then unfortunately we do not have any other solution to do this.

  • That's perfect, thanks so much!
  • Hey again, sorry one other thing - now when you open the menu it scrolls to the top of the page - I haven't played with the menu much, is it just a setting I need to change to stop this? I want the menu to just open wherever you are on the page and not scroll up if possible?
  • This is how mobile menu works, it always goes to the top and this can not be changed.

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